Encourage Employees to Share | Keep Employees Informed | Support Team Engagement | Make it Easy

Are you wondering how to get your employees more engaged? You are not alone! The advancreative team shares some ways to encourage your employees to share LinkedIn content below.

Why Encourage Employees to Share?

Employees and companies alike can benefit from getting involved with LinkedIn marketing. It allows you to expand your reach and engagement with customers and prospects on LinkedIn. Statistics show that people are 8 times more likely to engage with content shared by an employee than by a brand or company.

Keep Employees Informed

Encourage your team to like, comment on, and share your LinkedIn posts to increase engagement. And while you’re at it, be sure to reiterate how effective these engagements can be. Share your social media goals to get everyone on board. Let them know how many followers your company page currently has, how many employees have shared/liked/commented, and how many connections all employees have collectively.

Here are a few ways you can support your team to increase engagement.

Activate Linkedin Employee Notifications | Utilize Teammate Features | Work With Employee Content | Return The Favor


There is a LinkedIn feature that allows you to let your employees know when a company page updated has been made. The employee must be linked to your company page from their profile in order to receive a notification. When you post an update, just click the “Notify Employees” button to let them know.


Similar to activating the Employee Notifications, anyone you want to add as a teammate must have linked to your company page from their profile. This is a feature that LinkedIn just rolled out and will be making updates to in the future. The Teammate feature will allow employees to see LinkedIn updates from current team members. You can implement notifications such as birthdays, work anniversaries, shares, posts, and more.

It’s important to note that any teammate who no longer works for your company will be removed from your current teammates.


In order for your company page to reflect your culture, you’ll need help from your employees. It’s a good idea to implement an internal process for collecting this type of content. Share your social media strategy with your team so that everyone is on the same page as far as your goals. Be sure to share your LinkedIn performance metrics with your team as well to encourage them to keep submitting content.


Support your team members in return by helping them create their own content for LinkedIn, by creating posts that can be shared by teammates.

While some employees may use social media on a regular basis, others may be novices. To start, ask your employees some of these questions:

  • What recent industry news can you share?
  • What event(s) do you have on your upcoming calendar?
  • What are you inspired by?

Also, be sure to provide “how-to” documentation for posting on LinkedIn, as some employees may be newer to it than others.

Make it Easy for Your Employees

The easier you make it for your employees to support your LinkedIn initiatives, the better. By getting your team involved in not only your social media marketing plan but also your overall goals, as well as metrics, you’re creating reasons for them to invest in your company.

Looking for additional methods for increasing your LinkedIn engagement? Contact advancreative’s social media marketing experts today!

2.9 min readPublished On: May 6, 2022Categories: Social MediaTags: , , ,

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