Creative Video and Animation

Use live-action video, interviews, animated explainers, text-driven video, and promotional video to captivate your audience.

Drive traffic to your website and create new leads. Educate your audience with authenticity and transparency. Position your company as a thought leader by highlighting the expertise in your organization.

What Video Content Can Do for Your Brand

  • Improve SEO
    Search engines seek our relevant and well-written content. With transcribed video content you can capture both those who prefer to read and those who prefer to watch.

  • Captivate your audience
    Keep your visitors on your page longer and answer their questions to keep your brand top-of-mind.

  • Convert prospects into customers
    Prove to your audience that you are the go-to expert they need. When you can answer their questions and solve their problems, they’ll rely on you to do the work when the time comes.

  • Augment your social presence
    The more views, the better. Share your content on social as well as your website and get as many eyes on it as possible.

  • Build a foundation
    Online video content is not ethereal. As long as it lives on the internet, it is working for you in ways that written content cannot.

  • Reach new audiences
    Capture the attention of people who prefer to watch video than read paragraphs.

Types of Video Content

Creative live action video

Live-action Video

shows your processes, services, and products in a real and transparent way.

Creative kinetic text

Kinetic Text

helps outline specific pieces of information in an engaging and visually interesting way.

creative video and animation: interviews


highlight not only the expertise at your company, but the openness and helpfulness of your people.

creative video and animation: screen casts

Screen Casts

can showcase software demonstrations and bring people into interesting meetings and conversations.

creative video and animation: instructional


videos bring a lot of traffic to your website and position your company as the expert in your field.

creative animation videos


videos fill the gap where live-action and interviews cannot. Have a character explain your company in more abstract and entertaining ways.

creative video and animation: product and service overviews

Product and Service Overviews

cover what it is that you do in a simple-to-understand format.

creative video and animation: user guides

User Guides

help your customers maximize their experience with your brand and your products.

advancreative Makes Video That Is Powerful… and Effective

Engage your audience and grow your business with professionally shot and edited video from advancreative. Get in touch with us today to get started.