What Does a Google Core Update Mean?

Several times a year, Google releases broad updates to their search engine algorithms and systems. For 2023, Google released Core Updates in March, August, October, and November. Google is usually vague about what exactly changed in their Core Updates.

What Happens After a Google Core Update?

You can see anything happen to your rankings after Google Core Updates: drastic increases, decreases, or even no noticeable changes at all.

How Long Do Core Updates Take?

Core Updates generally take about two weeks to roll out, and it usually takes a few weeks for keyword position volatility to settle down. Google has a status dashboard you can monitor to know specific days these start and finish.

How Do You Respond?

Be patient. Follow good SEO practices, and things should return to the norm. If things don’t return to the norm, look at other sites in your industry that benefited from the Core Update for ideas of what Google may prefer now. You can find this by identifying sites that are now ranking higher than you.

what is a google core update

We’ll Help You Get Through Core Update Slumps!

If your business has seen a dip in sales and keyword positions that correlates with a Google Core Update, reach out to our SEO experts to get you back on track!

1.2 min readPublished On: November 8, 2023Categories: News, SEO News

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