Elevate your business and brand with a social media strategy built by advancreative

Social Media Research | Social Media Branding | Social Media Targeting & Retargeting | Monthly Analysis

When you partner with advancreative as your social media marketing agency, you gain access to a team of digital marketing professionals. With over 20-years of experience in the marketing industry, we have the capability to leverage powerful software applications, analytical data, and influencers. Our team of digital marketing analysts will comb through all of the data and develop a strategy that will bring your brand to the top of your industry.

We can develop a social media marketing strategy for your team to implement or we can fully manage your social media platforms. Either way, we’ll ensure that you’re utilizing all current social media best practices and getting the most from the algorithms.

Social Media Research

We begin with a high-level analysis of your current social media footprint and address all immediate needs first. Once the initial analysis is completed, we will begin an in-depth analysis of your current strategy, reach and engagement. Included in this analysis is competitive market research of your direct competitors and hashtag keyword research.

The data does not lie. We collect and analyze data from multiple sources and present that data into a format you can understand. Once the data is presented, we can then develop a social media content calendar with what we’re going to post, when we’re going to post it, and what platforms we’re going to post on.

Social Media Branding

We can help you unify your brand across all digital platforms; from your website to your social media outlets. Having unified brand messaging across all your platforms has a greater impact on your reach, customer engagement, and customer conversion rates.

Social Media Targeting and Remarketing

Remarketing involves engaging with your existing audience. As your audience grows through our processes, you want to keep them engaged and coming back. We determine what to target based on additional research into the analytics of the posts with successful organic growth. Once we determine what made those posts more successful than others, we take that data and target those specific metrics in order to keep expanding the reach of your business and brand across the social media platforms you operate on.

Monthly Analysis

Each month, we’ll provide you with a social media report in an easy-to-read format. We also provide you with a report detailing everything we posted, the results of those posts and proposed updates to continue success.

What do the above services include?

  • Social media account branding
  • Strategy development and planning
  • Content creation and publishing
  • Competitive market research and analysis
  • Keyword & hashtag research
  • Consulting and education

Contact advancreative today to take your social media marketing strategy to the next level.

2.4 min readPublished On: April 2, 2022Categories: Company News and Information, Marketing Firm, Social Media

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